Deed Description and Survey Pre-Approvals

In an effort to expediate the deed submitting process we offer pre-approvals of any deeds and surveys for surface interest within Monroe County. This is highly encouraged in order to check the plats and descriptions for errors and to ensure compliance with the Transfer & Conveyance Standards for Monroe County Ohio. A set of these standards can be found HERE. These standards cover both the Engineer's and Auditor's offices which take part in the deed recording process. If you have any questions or concerns with these standards please contact the office that the issue pertains to. This office will only check the deed description for compliance to the regulations listed under Part 5 to Part 7 (Pages 6 to 12) of the standards. We ask that these pre-approvals be submitted at least two days prior to expected recording. 

In order for our office to pre-approve a deed description, the document should be submitted after the deed is prepared where we can see the grantor(s) and grantee(s) of the property because this may have an impact on whether the deed is acceptable for transfer or not.

For new survey descriptions, a copy of the survey plat ad well as all associated descriptions should be submitted. These can be signed or unsigned for the pre-approval process but need to be signed copies, once finalized, that we will keep in our records.

Documents can be submitted digitally through email link below or may be mailed to our office at the contact information on our Home page. This office will strive to review the documents in an accurate and timely process and we will usually respond back in your preferred method within 24 hours. However please note that larger or more complex descriptions may take longer, so please allow for a longer review period.

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