O.S.U. Extension
OSU Extension, Monroe County

Better lives, better businesses, and better communities - from 4-H youth club members to Master Gardener volunteers, from home owners to business owners, OSU Extension offers solutions to better your life. No matter what your age or interests, Extension is sure to have information or a program that will benefit you. With OSU Extension, you have direct access to information and research from the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environment Sciences, other OSU colleges, and other universities.
Visit OSU Extension’s website: www.monroe.osu.edu
Our Mission:
Engaging people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based educational programming.
Our Vision:
OSU Extension is a dynamic educational entity that partners with individuals, families, communities, business and industry, and organizations to strengthen the lives of Ohioans. As Extension educators, we: Focus on critical economic, environmental, leadership, and youth and family issues. Engage people in lifelong learning. Apply knowledge and practical research to the diverse needs and interests of Ohioans in rural, suburban, and urban communities. Extend resources of The Ohio State University. Recruit and develop volunteers to multiply Extension's efforts while developing their leadership potential. Enhance teamwork through networking and connectedness. Link youth, family, and community needs to scholars in Ohio and nationwide. Teach with cutting-edge strategies using new technologies and approaches.
Our Staff:
Bruce Zimmer
County Extension Director
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Mark Landefeld
Extension Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources
Kristen Corry
Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Science
Monroe & Noble Counties
Mary Jo Westfall
Office Associate
Community Development
Cheryl Goodrich
Program Assistant
Family Nutrition Program & 4-H
Jennifer Shaw
Office Associate